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CERN Program Library Long Writeup W5013

Detector Description and

Simulation Tool

Application Software Group

Computing and Networks Division

CERN Geneva, Switzerland

Copyright Notice

GEANT -- Detector Description and Simulation Tool

© Copyright CERN, Geneva 1993

Copyright and any other appropriate legal protection of these computer programs and associated documentation reserved in all countries of the world.

These programs or documentation may not be reproduced by any method without prior written consent of the Director-General of CERN or his delegate.

Permission for the usage of any programs described herein is granted apriori to those scientific institutes associated with the CERN experimental program or with whom CERN has concluded a scientific collaboration agreement.

CERN welcomes comments concerning the Geant code but undertakes no obligation for the maintenance of the programs, nor responsibility for their correctness, and accepts no liability whatsoever resulting from the use of its programs.

Requests for information should be addressed to:
CERN Program Library Office
CERN-IT Division
CH-1211 Geneva 23
Tel. +41 22 767 4951
Fax. +41 22 767 8630

Trademark notice: All trademarks appearing in this guide are acknowledged as such.

Contact Persons: IT/ASD/SImulation section (
Technical Consultant: Michel Goossens /IT (
Edition -- March 1995

Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 12:46:29 METDST 1995