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HITS100 Sensitive DETector definition

Routine ID: HITS100
Author(s): Submitted: 01.11.83
Origin: R.Brun,F.BruyantRevised: 17.12.93


( CHARACTER*4) set identifier, user defined;
( CHARACTER*4) detector identifier, has to be the name of an existing volume;
( INTEGER) number of volume descriptors;
( CHARACTER*4) array of NV volume descriptors;
( INTEGER) array of NV, NBITSV(I) ( I=1,...,NV) is the number of bits in which to pack the copy number of volume CHNMSV(I);
( INTEGER) detector type, user defined;
( INTEGER) initial size of HITS banks;
( INTEGER) initial size of DIGI banks;
( INTEGER) position of set in bank JSET;
( INTEGER) position of detector in bank JS=LQ(JSET-ISET).

Assigns detector CHDET to the set CHSET and defines its basic parameters.

Note: The vector CHNMSV (length NV) contains the list of volume names which permit unambiguous identification of all copies of volume CHDET [see example in [HITS110]. Each element of the vector NBITSV (length NV) is the number of bits used for packing the number of the corresponding volume, when building the packed identifier of a given physical detector.

For more details see the example given in [HITS110]. The detector type IDTYP is not used internally by GEANT and can be used to distinguish quickly between various kinds of detectors, in the routine GUSTEP for example.

CALL GSDETV (CHSET,CHDET,IDTYP,NWHI,NWDI,ISET*,IDET*) The arguments of this routine are the same than the previous one, but NAMES, NBITSV will be computed by GGDETV called by GGCLOS) (see [HITS001]).

CALL GFDET (CHSET,CHDET,NV*,CHNMSV*,NBITSV*,IDTYP*,NWHI*,NWDI*,ISET*,IDET*) Returns the parameters for detector CHDET of set CHSET, the arguments have the same meaning than for routine GSDET.

CALL GPSETS (CHSET,CHDET) Prints SET and DETector parameters.

( CHARACTER*4) set to be printed, if * prints all detectors of all sets;
( CHARACTER*4) detector to be printed, if * prints all detectors of set CHSET.


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Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 12:46:29 METDST 1995