Data types and ASM ouput handling

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Data types and ASM ouput handling

On the Pam files the authors indicate the data type of the material contained in each patch or deck. The data type gives a generic handle to specify in the cradle what to do with the material of each type.

"Diversion" is primarily an instrument to separate routines which have to be compiled with down-graded optimisation from the main-stream routines. "Extra diversion" can be used to further split the material, for example into the routines of a program and the routines for testing the program.

The combination of data type plus diversion results in what is called a "logical (output) stream". With the c/l +ASM given in the blank deck of the cradle one can overrule Nypatchy's default assumption on what to to with the material of each logical stream.

  1. Data types Data types are established by the material on the Pam file. Any deck or patch can indicate its data type explicitely with the T= parameter;
             defaults: for a deck:   type of its patch;
                       for a patch:  Fortran.

    Standard data types

    There are 7 standard data types:

             T=FORT     for Fortran
             T=CC       for C
             T=INCL     for C include files
             T=AS       for assembler
             T=DATA     for data with no implied special actions
             T=SHELL    for shell scripts
             T=CRAD     for cradles

    (The old keys words CO[mpile], X[cc], AS[...], D[ata] are supported for back compatibility. The square brackets indicate optional additional characters.)

    User data types

    There may be any reasonable number of user data types on the Pam file(s). For each type the user chooses a name and sticks to it (no abbreviations), For example:

              +PATCH, DOC, T=LATEX.
    The standard data types are reserved names, and also J[oin], R[epeat], CO[mpile], X[cc], AS[...], D[ata].

    Back-compatibility of Pam files

    To use the new data types on Pam files which may still have to be read with Patchy 4, one may declare an old data type followed by a new one, for example:

              +DECK, COUM, T=DATA, SHELL.
    Patchy 4 will see "DATA", whilst Patchy 5 will see "SHELL".


              +DECK, AQUA, T=XCC, INCL.
    Patchy 4 will see XCC, Patchy 5 will see an include file and therefor add the extension ".h" by default.

    Careful: do not use a user data type starting with any of the letters A, C, D, J, R, X if you want to be back-compatible.

  2. Logical streams and Diversion

    Material may be diverted or extra-diverted with the control lines

          +DIVERT, pname[, D=dname].
          +XDIV,   pname[, D=dname].
    The logical streams are identified by the name of the data type and a suffix, for example:
          LATEX:1   normal/normal
          LATEX:2   normal/diverted
          LATEX:3   extra/normal
          LATEX:4   extra/diverted    stream of data type LATEX
    The generic logical stream LATEX (or LATEX:0) designates all logical streams of the this data type.

  3. Physical streams and Output files

    A logical stream may be made physical by giving output instructions for it, a file name in the simplest case. Several logical streams may be bound to a physical stream.

    To establish a physical stream one may give in the cradle one of the 4 forms of the control-line +ASM (using FORT:0 as example):

          +ASM, FORT, T=ATTACH   .fname
      or  +ASM, FORT, T=SPLIT.
      or  +ASM, FORT, T=MODIFY.
      or  +ASM, FORT, T=BYPASS.
    These examples each establish the physical stream FORT. In the first case the file name is given on the control-line, in the second and third case each deck is written to a separate file (see later), in the last case all material coming to this stream is flushed.

    The generic logical streams of any of FORT, CC, AS, or DATA and the diverted streams FORT:2, CC:2, AS:2, and DATA:2, can also be made physical by giving the file-name in the corresponding positional parameter of the program call statement for Nypatchy. Unless instructed otherwise with a +ASM line in the cradle, T=ATTACH is then assumed for such a stream.

    For any other physical stream a +ASM line has to be used, for example:

          +ASM, LATEX,   T=ATTACH   .fname      (all)
          +ASM, LATEX:1, T=ATTACH   .fname      (normal)
          +ASM, FORT:3,  T=ATTACH   .fname      (extra)
    If several logical streams are to be bound to one physical stream this can be done as with this example:
          +ASM, TEX, LATEX, T=ATTACH   .fname
    This sends all logical streams of LATEX and TEX together through the physical stream TEX (or TEX:0, which is the same thing) onto the single file fname.

  4. Binding of logical streams

    "Binding" of a given logical stream means that the output of this stream goes to the same file as the output from the stream it is bound to.

    Default binding is initialized such that the wanted set-up can be specified with minimal instructions. This default is:

    the generic logical streams CC, AS, SHELL, CRAD, DATA are bound to the generic stream FORT;

    the generic logical stream INCL is bound to the generic stream CC;

    the generic streams of all user data types are bound to the generic stream DATA;

    all logical streams X:i of type X are bound to the generic stream X:0; if this is itself bound to the generic stream Y:0, then the logical streams X:i are bound to the corresponding streams Y:i;

    if the logical streams X:0 or X:1 are made physical all logical streams X:i are bound to it, provided they have not been bound explicitly to somewhere else; similarly if the logical stream X:3 is made physical, the logical stream X:4 is bound to X:3.

    Normally re-binding by the user is done implicitely or explicitely when establishing the physical streams, for example:
          +ASM, FORT,   T=ATTACH  .finorm
          +ASM, FORT:2, T=ATTACH  .fidiv
    collects the output of the logical streams "divert" of all data types and sends it to file fidiv; the output from all other streams goes to file finorm.
          +ASM, DATA,   T=BYPASS.
          +ASM, FORT,   T=ATTACH  .finorm
          +ASM, FORT:2, T=ATTACH  .fidiv
    does the same as the previous example, but all non-compilable material is by-passed.

    Explicite binding can be done by giving several logical streams, for example:

          +ASM, TEX:2, LATEX:2, T=ATTACH  .fname
    which establishes the physical stream TEX:2 and binds the logical stream LATEX:2 to it.

    To specify binding without at the same time establishing a physical stream one has to give the parameter T=BIND; thus to achieve the binding-only of the previous example:

          +ASM, TEX:2, LATEX:2, T=BIND.
    By giving 2 (or more) generic logical streams one can map all logical streams of one data type onto the logical streams of another data type, for example:
          +ASM, TEX, LATEX, T=BIND.
    binds the data type LATEX to the data type TEX, such that the logical streams LATEX:i are bound to TEX:i.

    "Aliasing" is similar to binding, for example

          +ASM, TEX, LATEX, T=ALIAS.
    signals that LATEX is just another name for TEX. Only generic stream names may be aliased. The difference between binding and aliasing is further explained below and in sect. 10.

    Again, several names may be given, as for example:

          +ASM, FORT, FORT77, FORT99, T=ALIAS.
    which tells Nypatchy that FORT77 and FORT99 are just other names for the data type FORT.

  5. Deck splitting with T=SPLIT

    One may request that Nypatchy writes each deck coming to a given physical stream to a separate file, whose name is derived from the deck-name with an extension added. For example:

          +ASM, FORT, T=SPLIT.     (or T=MODIFY, see later)
    requests splitting of all decks arriving on the physical stream FORT, that is the decks of all logical streams bound to this physical stream. It will create in the current working directory a number of files, one for each non-empty deck, with extensions like .f, or .c, or .s, or .h, added according to the data type of each deck.

    Nypatchy knows the extensions needed for the standard data types FORT, CC, INCL, and AS, on the machine one is running on. For data type CRAD the extension used is .cra; for SHELL .sh is used on UNIX, .com on VAX. For data type DATA .dat is used on the VAX, and nothing on UNIX.

    One may want to change the extensions used, or for the user data types or for type DATA one may want to set the extension; this can be done with, for example:

          +ASM, FORT, T=EXT   ..ftn
    The directory into which the files are written is the current working directory by default; this can be changed by adding a common prefix to all file names, with for example:
          +ASM, FORT, T=SPLIT, PREFIX   .work/
    One may request that a record of the files created be written to a file to be digested by Nyshell, a child of Fcasplit, with for example:
          +ASM, FORT, T=SPLIT, LOG   .fname
    The last two examples can be combined if the prefix is a pure directory, for example:
          +ASM, FORT, T=SPLIT, PREFIX, LOG   .work/fname
    The resulting log file will contain one line for each deck written, giving its logical stream name and its file name, as for example:
          fort:1    chdirf.f
          cc:1      chdiri.c
          fort:1    getenvf.f
          cc:1      geteni.c
          cc:1      getpidf.c
          fort:2    getwdf.f
          cc:2      getwdi.c
    Note the difference between binding and aliasing in this context: if there is a deck M432 of type LATEX on the Pam file, which is processed with
          +ASM, TEX, LATEX, T=SPLIT, LOG  ...
    there will be an entry "latex:1 m432" on the log file, but if the processing is done with
          +ASM, TEX, T=SPLIT, LOG  ...
          +ASM, TEX, LATEX, T=ALIAS.
    the entry will be "tex:1 m432".

  6. Deck splitting with T=MODIFY

    Giving T=MODIFY instead of T=SPLIT will cause Nypatchy to compare the text of each deck against the corresponding file, if it pre-exists, and to suppress the output if the two are identical. Thus the date of the existing and unchanged file is not disturbed.

    As for T=SPLIT, one may give, for example:

          +ASM, FORT, T=MODIFY, PREFIX        .work/
          +ASM, FORT, T=MODIFY, LOG           .fname
          +ASM, FORT, T=MODIFY, PREFIX, LOG   .work/fname
    The resulting log file will contain one line for each deck, unchanged decks are marked with the "same" flag, giving something like:
          fort:1    chdirf.f
          cc:1      chdiri.c
          fort:1    getenvf.f  same
          cc:1      geteni.c   same
          cc:1      getpidf.c
          fort:2    getwdf.f
          cc:2      getwdi.c   same

  7. Routine headers

    Arbitrary routine header lines can be defined for a given data type either for all logical streams, or for a particular stream with, for example:

          +ASM, AS,   T=RH   .@|DECK  ID>, @ .     (all)
      or  +ASM, AS:1, T=RH   .@|DECK  ID>, @ .     (normal only)
      or  +ASM, AS:2, T=RH   .@|DECK  ID>, @ .     (diverted only)
    In the comment field of the control line one gives the mask for generating the routine header line; the very first character is the escape character used to indicate the place where the routine name has to be inserted.

    On the machines where this useful, routine header lines are pre-initialized as needed by Fcasplit on the machine where one is running on to something like:

          +ASM, FORT, T=RH   .@CDECK  ID>, @ .
          +ASM, CC,   T=RH   .@/*DECK ID>, @ . */
          +ASM, AS,   T=RH   .@|DECK  ID>, @ .
    This can be switched off, for example with:
          +ASM, AS, T=RH.
    with an empty comment field.

    Routine header lines are not generated for processing in T=SPLIT mode.

    Note that +ASM, T=RH... lines merely modify the information for the logical stream, quite independent from and without disturbing its binding to some physical stream.

  8. C/C substitution

    In a similiar manner, control-character substitution can be requested with, for example:

          +ASM, DATA, T=CCHSUB   .&+!+
    This example changes the control-character & or ! on any line of the output written to the ASM file for all logical streams of type DATA into a + if the key of the line is that of a Patchy control line.

    The data types SHELL and CRAD are initialized with T=CCHSUB .&+ which can be over-ridden with a +ASM line. Again, this could be switched off with +ASM, SHELL, T=CCHSUB. for example.

  9. Correcting a data type

    Primarily to help in the phase of transition from Patchy 4 to 5, a facility is provided to change the data type of all decks of a particular logical stream, for example:

          +ASM, DATA:2, T=REASSIGN, S=INCL.
    This tells Patchy that material driven to the logical stream DATA:2, "diverted DATA", consists really of include files for C. This material should have had a T=INCL declaration on the Pam file and it will be treated as if it had: it will be sent to output through the logical stream INCL:2, with the right properties, like file extension or routine-header lines.

    This also works:

          +ASM, CC:2, T=REASSIGN, S=INCL.
    "Diverted CC" will be re-assigned to "diverted INCL", which logical stream is bound be default to CC:2, and if this latter is made physical the output will appear there, but with the properties corrected.

    Note that "reassignment" has nothing to do with "binding" and does not interfer with it.

  10. User type confirmation

    All user data types whose material is USEd should have been declared on some +ASM line in the blank deck of the cradle.

    If no +ASM line for such a user data type is needed for any of the above purposes, a line like

          +ASM, LATEX, T=USED.
    should be given, for example; it does nothing but open the generic logical stream LATEX.

    Several data types may be given on one line as with

    which does not imply any binding.

    If Nypatchy finds a non-declared data type when processing USE-selected material on the Pam file, it prints a warning and opens a generic stream for this data type, which it then binds to the stream DATA.

  11. Summary of control lines

    The general format is:

         +ASM, (D=)str1,str2,..., T=action, S=dtyp, IF=...   .comment-field
    Establishing a physical stream, with binding:
             +ASM, phys, log1, log2, ..., T=ATTACH   .fname
             +ASM, phys, log1, log2, ..., T=SPLIT.
             +ASM, phys, log1, log2, ..., T=MODIFY.
             +ASM, phys, log1, log2, ..., T=BYPASS.
    Binding only:
             +ASM, here, log1, log2, ..., T=BIND.
             +ASM, here, generic1, generic2, ..., T=ALIAS.
    Specify file-name prefix for SPLIT or MODIFY mode:
             +ASM, phys, T=PREFIX   .prefix
    Specify log file for SPLIT or MODIFY mode:
             +ASM, phys, T=LOG      .fname
    Specify default extension:
             +ASM, log1, log2, ..., T=EXT.   extension
    Specify routine header lines
             +ASM, log1, log2, ..., T=RH  .mask
    Specify control character substitution:
             +ASM, log1, log2, ..., T=CCHSUB  .mask
    Data-type reassignment
             +ASM, log, T=REASSIGN, S=true.
    User type declaration:
             +ASM, log1, log2, ..., T=USED.

  12. Back-compatibility processing

    To allow a period of transition where one may want to use the same cradles both with versions 4 and 5 of Patchy, the following is available in back-compatible mode (the default for the time being):

    If Nypatchy is presented with a +ASM line for the old Ypatchy it will do the following:

       a) translate  21 -> FORT:1,  22 -> AS:1,  23 -> DATA:1,  24 -> CC:1
                     31    FORT:2,  32    AS:2,  33    DATA:2,  34    CC:2
       b) a parameter LUN=n is ignored.
       c) if no T= parameter is given T=BIND is assumed.
       d) the presence of a parameter like R=! will cause an error.
       e) the presence of any of T=EOF, HOLD, MIX, RESUME will cause
          an error (rather unlikely to happen).
    Thus the following cradle is alright as it stands, provided one does not want to use the new features of Patchy, such as Nyshell:
          +USE, ${PLINAME}.
          +ASM, 23, T=ATT      .=${CERN_ROOT}/bin/
          +ASM, 24.
          +USE, *WYLBUR.
          +PAM, 11, T=C,ATT    .${CERN_ROOT}/src/car/wylbur
    The line +ASM,23,T=ATT ... is translated into +ASM,DATA,T=ATTACH ... The line +ASM,24. is translated to +ASM,CC,T=BIND. and has hence no effect: with Patchy 4 this line establishes stream 24 with the file-name taken from the command line. With Patchy 5 the presence of the command line parameter for stream CC is sufficient; but be careful:

    the order of the file-names on the program-call statement has changed:

           asm=     21                22 23   31     32     33     24   34
        ypatchy pam fort cradle print as data fort:2 as:2   data:2 cc   cc:2
       nypatchy pam fort cradle print cc as   data   fort:2 cc:2   as:2 data:2
           asm=     21                24 22   23     31     34     32   33
             p= 1   2    3      4     5  6    7      8      9      10   11
    Remember also the default stream binding rules:

    With Patchy 4 all streams are initially bound to stream 21; to establish a physical stream "n" a control-line +ASM,n has to be given as well as the file-name in the correct position on the program-call statement.

    With Patchy 5 generic streams

          CC, AS, SHELL, CRAD, DATA  are intially bound to stream FORT,
          stream  INCL is initially bound to CC,
          all user data types are bound to DATA,
          logical streams X:i are initially bound to X:0, but if X:0
          is itself bound to Y:0 all X:i are bound to Y:i.
          Giving a file-name for a particular stream on the program-call
          command establishes this stream as physical.
    For the following Cernlib cradle:
          +USE, ${PLINAME}.
          +ASM, 23, T=ATT    .:flibD.dat
          +ASM, 24.
          +ASM, 34, R=!      ./*DECK ID>, !.h */
          +DIVERT, FMH.
          +USE, *FATLIB.
          +PAM, 11, T=C,ATT     .${CERN_ROOT}/src/car/fatmen
          being used with:
                        21=FORT:1           22    24=CC:1   34=CC:2
                      1 2         3     4   5     10        11
              ypatchy - flibf.fca $CRAD $PR ----- flibc.fca .go
              fcasplit flibf.fca
              fcasplit flibc.fca
    we have to do something; let us change it into:
          +USE, ${PLINAME}.
          +ASM, 23, T=ATT    .:flibD.dat
          +ASM, 24.
          +ASM, 34, R=!,  IF=-PY_VS5     ./*DECK ID>, !.h */
          +ASM, 34, T=REASSIGN, S=INCL, IF=PY_VS5.
          +DIVERT, FMH.
          +USE, *FATLIB.
          +PAM, 11, T=C,ATT     .${CERN_ROOT}/src/car/fatmen
    This cradle can be used with Patchy 4 as before, provided that P=PY_VS5 is not USE selected.

    It can be used with Patchy 5 in the same context:

                         21=FORT:1           24=CC:1   22   34=CC:2   32
                       1 2         3     4   5         6    9         10
              nypatchy - flibf.fca $CRAD $PR flibc.fca --- .go
              fcasplit flibf.fca
              fcasplit flibc.fca
    P=PY_VS5 is internally pre-selected as USEd if Patchy 5 is running.

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@Thu Oct 6 15:53:34 MET 1994