Handling of include files

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Handling of include files

An include file present on the user's Pam file and called from some of the decks on this Pam file is defined in a deck of its own with data type INCL, for example:

      text of the include file
and its use is signalled with the control line
which line is replaced by Nypatchy with
      #include "mzinc.h"

The purpose of this construction is to make Nypatchy/Nyshell aware of the dependency of decks on include files, to cause re-compilation of all decks which depend on include files which have changed.

If the ASM output is generated in MODIFY mode, Nypatchy itself knows whether an include file has changed and marks itself dependent decks for re-compilation. At the next step, Nyshell will check on the dates of the object files and dependent include files of all decks which Nypatchy has signalled as unchanged to make sure that re-compilation is really not needed.

@Thu Oct 6 15:53:34 MET 1994