The new Patchy auxiliary Nyshell

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The new Patchy auxiliary Nyshell

Nyshell used in conjunction with Nypatchy is intended to replace the use of Fcasplit of Patchy version 4, and that part of the "make" utility which has to do with the re-compilation of modified routines.

Remember: Ypatchy of version 4 writes the EXE selected decks together to an ASM file. Fcasplit reads this file, splitting the routines into separate files, writing out a shell-script (or a make file) to compile all the routines.

With Patchy version 5, the splitting onto separate files is done already by Nypatchy, which writes on a log file the names of all routines written, together with the logical stream name of each routine. Using this log Nyshell will create a shell-script to compile the routines which need compilation.

Moreover, if the splitting has been done to a physical stream established with +ASM,...,T=MODIFY,LOG the re-compilation of unchanged routines can be avoided. But this implies that at least the .f files are retained indefinitely (the .o files could be restored from the library).

  1. Deck splitting having been done with T=SPLIT

    In this mode the use of Nyshell is straight-forward, Nyshell simply converts the log file into a shell-script to compile all routines.

  2. Deck splitting having been done with T=MODIFY

    The log file from Nypatchy will contain one line for each routine, giving the stream name and the file name. Unchanged routines have additional information: the "same" flag plus the names of the files called with +INCLUDE, if any; something like:

          fort:1    chdirf.f
          cc:1      chdiri.c
          fort:1    getenvf.f  same
          cc:1      geteni.c   same
          cc:1      getpidf.c
          fort:1    getwdf.f
          cc:1      getwdi.c   same
          cc:1      fzincc.c   same   fzinc.h mzinc.h
    (This last line indicates that on stream cc:1 the source file fzincc.c is unchanged, and that it calls the include files fzinc.h and mzinc.h, also unchanged, and also residing in the same source directory as everybody else.)

    In MODIFY mode we can avoid re-compiling routines which have not changed. But we need more: routine names may have changed, or some routines may have been removed from the Pam file. Also, the previous run may have abended, such that the new .f files have not yet been compiled, but the second Nypatchy run will see unchanged .f files.

    Nyshell has been programmed to handle the following frequent situation: the current working directory contains all and only the .o files of all the routines of the program (or the package) being dealt with. When the compilation is done, all .o files will be collected into one .a library file.

    In this situation one gives the U (uptodate) option to Nyshell which will then do the following:

    ready for compilation all routines without the "same" flag;

    ready for compilation all routines appearing in the log file for which the .o file is not more recent than the .f (or .c, .s) file, and not more recent than all the INCLUDE files called, if any;

    ready for compilation all routines for which the compiler options have changed since the last run (see para.4);

    check all .o files in the current directory against the log file: delete any file if its name does not appear there, or if it belongs to a routine which must be re-compiled.

    On the VAX .f is .FOR, .s is .MAR, .o is .OBJ and .a is .OLB.

  3. Controlling the compilations

    Nyshell has a default set-up built into it on how to compile normally on the machine it is running on. The default set-up can be seen by typing

          nyshell - h
    This default set-up can be changed by control-lines given in the cradle. The cradle may be given as a here-document read from standard input; it may be declared to be empty by giving EOF as file name; or it may be read from a file whose name is given on the command line in the "read" position. If, with this last case, the file does not exist, this does not create an error but is accepted as a signal to use the default set-up as is.

    As an example, here are the cradle lines which would produce the default set-up on the Apollo:

       fo:1     -opt 3
       fo:2     -opt 0
       fo:3     =:1
       fo:4     =:2
       fopt     -bounds_violation -info 1 -indexl -cpu mathlib_sr10
       fc       /com/ftn
       fort:1   ${FC} ${s}$*.ftn ${FO_1}; mv $*.bin $*.o
       fort:2   ${FC} ${s}$*.ftn ${FO_2}; mv $*.bin $*.o
       fort:3   =:1
       fort:4   =:2
       co:1     -O
       co:3     =:1
       co:4     =:2
       copt     -c
       cc       cc
       cc:1     ${CC} ${CO_1} ${s}$*.c
       cc:2     ${CC} ${CO_2} ${s}$*.c
       cc:3     =:1
       cc:4     =:2
       ao:2     =:1
       ao:3     =:1
       ao:4     =:2
       as       as
       as:1     ${AS} ${AO_1} ${s}$*.s
       as:2     =:1
       as:3     =:1
       as:4     =:2
       start    # Script from Nyshell for file f.e
       end      # End of the shell script

    The tag on the left identifies the information given for it on the right. Thus "fc", "cc", and "as", specify the command verbs to be used to call the compiler for Fortran, C, and assembler, respectively.

    "fopt" gives the compiler options to be used for all logical streams; whilst "fo:i" gives the extra options to be used for stream FORT:i. "fort:i" specifies the complete command to be given to the shell to compile one routine, the escape $* indicating the place(s) where the routine name has to be inserted. The value "=:1" means: same as stream 1.

    Tag "sdir" may be used to explicitly set the directory where the source files are; by default this is the directory where the log file is found.

    The default set-up assumes that routines coming to streams :1 and :3 are to be compiled normally, and that routines coming to streams :2 and :4 have problems and should be compiled without optimisation.

    One may over-rule the default with a line like:

       fopt     -bounds_violation -info 1 -indexl -cpu mathlib_sr10 -dbs
    or one may add to the default with a line like:
      +fopt     -dbs
    From the set-up Nyshell constructs shell parameter definitions followed by the shell commands to compile. As an example, here is the shell script delivered for the latest re-making of my debug version of KERNLIB on Apollo:
       #!/bin/csh -f
       # Script from Nyshell for file  ../source.log
       set FILE = source
       set s    = "../"
       set FO_1 = "-bounds_violation -info 1 -indexl -cpu mathlib_sr10 -dbs -opt 3"
       set FC   = "/com/ftn"
       set CO_1 = "-c -g -O"
       set CC   = "cc"
       ${CC} ${CO_1} ${s}geteni.c
       ${CC} ${CO_1} ${s}getgidf.c
       ${CC} ${CO_1} ${s}getpidf.c
       ${CC} ${CO_1} ${s}getuidf.c
       ${CC} ${CO_1} ${s}getwdi.c
       ${FC} ${s}gshowf.ftn ${FO_1}; mv gshowf.bin gshowf.o
       ${FC} ${s}ccopiv.ftn ${FO_1}; mv ccopiv.bin ccopiv.o
       ${FC} ${s}ccosub.ftn ${FO_1}; mv ccosub.bin ccosub.o
       ${FC} ${s}mxmad.ftn  ${FO_1}; mv mxmad.bin  mxmad.o
       ${FC} ${s}mxmlrt.ftn ${FO_1}; mv mxmlrt.bin mxmlrt.o
       ${FC} ${s}mxtrp.ftn  ${FO_1}; mv mxtrp.bin  mxtrp.o
       ${FC} ${s}mxuty.ftn  ${FO_1}; mv mxuty.bin  mxuty.o
       # End of the shell script
    resulting from this call to Nyshell:
       nyshell ../source.log  u  .go <</
         +fopt    -dbs
         +copt    -g
    On the VAX, Nyshell will itself substitute the parameter values into the compilation command lines; for this the parameters have to have the curly brackets as shown; Nyshell will look for the tokens ${s}, ${FC}, ${FO_1}, etc.

    Note that Nyshell itself and the resulting shell-script source.shfca must be run in the directory where the .o files are or are to be.

  4. Detecting change in compiler options

    The last step in the execution of Nyshell is to write to a file, the ".xqtlog" file, a list of all the routines involved and their properties. This contains the compiler options for each stream, and the names of all routines belonging to each stream.

    Next time round, Nyshell reads the .xqtlog file from the last run to check for each routine that its compiler options are unchanged. Thus the complete set of conditions for a routine not to need re-compilation is:

       1) Nypatchy sends the "same" flag;
       2) the current compiler options are the same as on .xqtlog;
       3) the .o file exists and is more recent than the .f (or .c) file,
          and more recent than any .h file used;
    The use of the input .xqtlog file can be by-passed with the "B" option; the "E" option requests by-passing if this file is not existing. If neither B nor E is given, Nyshell will trigger recompilation of all routines if it does not find the .xqtlog file in the current directory to be valid.

    The name of the .xqtlog file is derived from the name of the log file given to Nyshell; in the examples given in this paper this name would be source.xqtlog.

    Note that Nyshell does of course not analyse the meaning of the compiler options, thus any trivial change will force recompilation.

  5. The program call for Nyshell is:
     nyshell  x.log  options  read  print
         "x.log":  the input log file having been created by Nypatchy;
                   the output files delivered will be
                   x.shfca  the shell script to be run for compilation
                   x.xqtlog remembering the compilation options
       "options":  A  all - compile or re-compile all files
                   B  bypass the use of the input .xqtlog file
                   E  empty - bypass the .xqtlog file if it is empty
                   H  help - print the help information only
                   Q  quick - do not display the set-up information
                   U  uptodate - check that all .o files in the
                                 current directory are ready to be
                                 put into the last-version library
                   V  verbose - display the complete set-up.
          "read":  name of the file with the user set-up commands,
                   EOF  if default set-up to be used as is,
                   default: standard input
         "print":  printed output file, default: standard output

  6. Example 1: my job to re-make my Patchy on Apollo
    #!/bin/csh  -v -f
    # Create Patchy 5 library and modules
      set  PRO     = ~/bin
      set  NEW     = ~/p5/dev
      set  PAM     = ~/p5/wyl/
      set  KERNLIB = ~/kern/inst/libkerndbg.a
      set  EXTRA   = ' '
      setenv  ACTION    MODIFY
      setenv  MACHINE   APOLLO
         set  LOAD    =  ld
     if (-d wk_patchy == 0)  mkdir wk_patchy
     cd     wk_patchy
     $PRO/nypatchy  $PAM  .go  <<\\ 
    +ASM, FORT, T=${ACTION}, LOG   .source.log
    +OPT, MAP.
     set rc = $status
     if ($rc != 0)  exit
     $PRO/nyshell source  u  .go <<\\ 
     +fopt   -dbs
     set rc = $status
     if ($rc != 0)  exit
     csh -f -v  source.shfca
     if (-f p5lib.a)  rm p5lib.a
     ar rc  p5lib.a   *.o
     $LOAD -o $NEW/nypatchy  npatch.o   p5lib.a $KERNLIB $EXTRA
     $LOAD -o $NEW/nyindex   nindex.o   p5lib.a $KERNLIB $EXTRA
     $LOAD -o $NEW/nylist    nlist.o    p5lib.a $KERNLIB $EXTRA
     $LOAD -o $NEW/nyshell   nshell.o   p5lib.a $KERNLIB $EXTRA
  7. Example 2: my job to make my KERN libraries
    #!/bin/csh -f -v
    # Shell script to create short KERN libraries on Apollo
     setenv KERNMACH   ~/kern/pam/
     setenv KERNFOR    ~/kern/pam/
     set KERNLIB   = ~/kern/inst/libkernsh.a
     set KERNLIBDB = ~/kern/inst/libkerndbg.a
     set MICKYLIB  = ~/kern/lib/libmicky.a
     set MICKYPAM  = ~/kern/pam/
     cd   ~/kern/inst
     if (-d wk_kern == 0)  mkdir wk_kern
     cd     wk_kern
     nypatchy  .go  <<\\ 
    +ASM, FORT, T=MODIFY, LOG  .source.log
    +USE, *KAPO.
     if ($status != 0)  exit
    #  -----------------------------------------  compile debug library
     if (-d wk_dbg == 0)  mkdir wk_dbg
     cd     wk_dbg                          | cd is inst/wk_kern/wk_dbg
     nyshell ../source  u  .go <<\\          |
     +fopt    -dbs                          | take the source from ../
     +copt    -g                            | and re-compile the changes
    \\                                       | into ./
     if ($status != 0)  exit
     csh -f -v  source.shfca
     if (-f $KERNLIBDB)  rm $KERNLIBDB
     ar rc  $KERNLIBDB  *.o
     cd ../
    #  -----------------------------------------  compile normal library
     nyshell source  uq  eof  .go           |
                                            | cd is  inst/wk_kern
     if ($status != 0)  exit                | take the source from here
                                            | and re-compile the changes
     csh -f -v  source.shfca                | into here
     if (-f $KERNLIB)  rm $KERNLIB
     ar rc  $KERNLIB  *.o
     cd ../
    #  -----------------------------------------  Run Micky test job
     nypatchy  $MICKYPAM  mickyrun  .go  <<\\ 
    +USE, *MAPO.
     /com/ftn mickyrun -bounds_violation -info 1 -indexl -cpu mathlib_sr10
     ld -o mickyrun mickyrun.bin $MICKYLIB $KERNLIB
  8. Example 3: a job to make the ZEBRA libraries

    Here we use +XDIVERT to make two streams into 2 separate subdirectories.

    #!/bin/csh -f
    # Shell script to create the ZEBRA libraries
     set PAM    = ~/zebra/pro/
     set ZLIB   = ~/zebra/pro/zebra.a
     set ZLIBTE = ~/zebra/pro/zebrate.a
     cd   ~/zebra/pro
     if (-d wk_lib  == 0)  mkdir wk_lib
     if (-d wk_test == 0)  mkdir wk_test
     nypatchy  $PAM   .go  <<\\ 
    +ASM, FORT,   T=MODIFY, PREFIX, LOG  .wk_lib/source.log
    +ASM, FORT:3, T=MODIFY, PREFIX, LOG  .wk_test/source.log
    +USE, *ZEBRAL.
     if ($status != 0)   exit
    #   ------------------------------     Compile for library zebra.a
     cd    wk_lib
     if (-f $ZLIB)  ar xo $ZLIB         | restore the .o files
     nyshell source  u  eof   .go
     set rc = $status                   |
     if ($rc == 1)   goto libok         | status 1: no new compilations
     if ($rc != 0)   exit               |        2: error
     csh -f -v  source.shfca
     if (-f $ZLIB)  rm $ZLIB
     ar rc  $ZLIB  *.o
     touch  $ZLIB
     rm  *.o                            | delete the .o files
    #   ------------------------------     Compile for library zebrate.a
     cd ../wk_test
     nyshell source  u  eof   .go
     if ($status != 0)   exit
     csh -f -v  source.shfca
     if (-f $ZLIBTE)  rm $ZLIBTE
     ar rc  $ZLIBTE  *.o

    In this example we delete the .o files and restore them on the next run from the library file; this saves disk space but costs time.

  9. Example 4: my job to re-make my Patchy on the VAXes

    With these commands in the login file to switch between VAX and Alpha:

    $ if f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME").eqs."VAX"
    $ then  DOING :== VAX
    $       assign disk$support:[zoll.vaxnew]   NEW
    $       assign disk$support:[zoll.vaxexe]   EXE
    $       assign disk$support:[zoll.vaxlib]   LIB
    $ else  DOING :== ALPHA
    $       assign disk$support:[zoll.alphanew]   NEW
    $       assign disk$support:[zoll.alphaexe]   EXE
    $       assign disk$support:[zoll.alphalib]   LIB
    $ endif
    we can run this:
    $ set verify = procedure
    $ set verify = noimage
    $ on error     then $ goto exit
    $ on control_y then $ goto exit
    $!   COM-file to create nypatchy.EXE etc. using Patchy 5 for VAX or ALPHA
    $ assign  []   OPDIR
    $ assign  [zoll.p5.wyl]   SRCDIR
    $ assign  lib:kernlib     KERNLIB
    $ assign  lib:p5lib       P5LIB
    $ set default OPDIR
    $ set default [.wk_patchy]
    $ nypatchy  .go
    +ASM, FORT, T=${ACTION}, LOG   .source.log
    $ set default [.wk_'DOING]
    $ nyshell ../source.log u eof  .go
    $ if $status .ne. 1 then goto exit
    $ @source.shfca
    $ purge/nolog
    $ lib/create P5LIB *.obj
    $ link/nomap/exe=NEW:nypatchy  P5LIB/INC=npatch/LIB,'ULIB
    $ link/nomap/exe=NEW:nyindex   P5LIB/INC=nindex/LIB,'ULIB
    $ link/nomap/exe=NEW:nylist    P5LIB/INC=nlist/LIB,'ULIB
    $ link/nomap/exe=NEW:nyshell   P5LIB/INC=nshell/LIB,'ULIB
    $ set default OPDIR
    $ set noverify
    $ exit

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@Thu Oct 6 15:53:34 MET 1994