G105: Inverse of Normal Frequency Function

Author(s): K.S. Kölbig Library: MATHLIB
Submitter: Submitted: 01.12.1988
Language: Fortran Revised: 15.03.1993

Function subprograms GAUSIN and DGAUSN calculate the inverse X(P) of the normal frequency function (Gaussian distribution)


for real arguments P, where 0 < P < 1.


FUNCTION subprogram
User Entry Name: GAUSIN, DGAUSN
Files Referenced: Unit 6
External References: MTLMTR, ABEND


In any arithmetic expression,

GAUSIN(P) has the value tex2html_wrap_inline89 ,

where GAUSIN and P are of type REAL.


The method is described in Ref. 1.



GAUSIN (except on CDC and Cray computers) has an accuracy of about six digits. For most values of the argument P, DGAUSN (and GAUSIN on CDC and Cray computers) has an accuracy of approximately one significant digit less than the machine precision.

Error handling:

Error G105.1: tex2html_wrap_inline91 or tex2html_wrap_inline93 .
The function value is set equal to zero, and a message is written on Unit 6, unless subroutine MTLSET (N002) has been called.

This subprogram is based on an Algol60 procedure published in Ref. 1.


  1. G.W. Hill and A.W. Davis, Algorithm 442, Normal Deviate, Collected Algorithms from CACM (1973)

Michel Goossens Wed Jun 5 06:13:19 METDST 1996