F012: Symmetric Positive-Definite Linear Systems

Author(s): H. Lipps Library: KERNLIB
Submitter: Submitted: 01.09.1983
Language: Fortran or Assembler or COMPASS Revised:

Subroutine tSINV (where tex2html_wrap_inline217 or D as described below) computes the inverse of a symmetric positive-definite matrix A.

Subroutine tSEQN solves a set of linear equations


whose coefficient matrix A is symmetric and positive-definite. The determinant det(A) of A may be calculated by subroutine tSFACT described below.

If several systems of the form (*) are to be solved with the same A but differing B, a procedure which is appreciably faster than calling subroutine tSEQN repeatedly is to execute a single call to subroutine tSEQN (or subroutine tSFACT if the determinant is required), and then to call subroutine tSFEQN as many times as required. When the last system (*) has been solved, the inverse matrix tex2html_wrap_inline221 , if required, may be computed by calling tSFINV.

Subroutine tSEQN and tSFACT both replace the matrix A by a lower triangular matrix L and an upper triangular matrix U such that tex2html_wrap_inline223 . This LU decomposition is referred to below as lu(A).

Given lu(A) and some matrix B, subroutine tSFEQN replaces B by the solution X of equation (*) without changing lu(A). Subroutine tSFEQN may therefore be called repeatedly with differing B.

Given lu(A), subroutine tSFINV replaces lu(A) by the inverse tex2html_wrap_inline225 of A.


SUBROUTINE subprograms
User Entry Names: tex2html_wrap279
Files Referenced: Printer
External References: TMPRNT, KERMTR, ABEND


For tex2html_wrap_inline227 (type REAL), tex2html_wrap_inline229 (type DOUBLE PRECISION):

(INTEGER) Order of the matrix A.
(Type according to t) Two-dimensional array whose first dimension has the value IDIM.
(INTEGER) First dimension of array A (and of array B if tex2html_wrap_inline231 ).
(INTEGER) On exit, IFAIL will be set to 0 if A is positive-definite, and to -1 otherwise.
(Type according to t) On exit, DET will be set to the value det(A) unless JFAIL returns a non-zero value.
(INTEGER) On exit, JFAIL will be set to zero if det(A) can be safely evaluated. Otherwise JFAIL is set as follows:
tex2html_wrap_inline233 if A is not positive-definite,
tex2html_wrap_inline235 if det(A) is probably too small,
tex2html_wrap_inline237 if det(A) is probably too large.
(INTEGER) Number of columns of the matrices B and X.
(Type according to t) In general, a two-dimensional array whose first dimension has the value IDIM. B may be one-dimensional if tex2html_wrap_inline239 . tSEQN accepts a dummy argument B if tex2html_wrap_inline241 .
The contents of arrays A and B on entry and exit are as follows:
On entry, A must be stored in A. On exit, A contains tex2html_wrap_inline243 if tex2html_wrap_inline245 , or else is undefined.
On entry, A must be stored in A and B in B. On exit, A contains lu(A) and B contains X if tex2html_wrap_inline247 , or else A is undefined and B is unchanged.
On entry, A must be stored in A. On exit, A contains lu(A) if tex2html_wrap_inline249 , or else is undefined. DET contains det(A) if tex2html_wrap_inline251 , contains zero if tex2html_wrap_inline253 , and is undefined otherwise.
On entry, lu(A) must be stored in A, and B in B. On exit, A is unchanged and B contains X.
On entry, lu(A) must be stored in A. On exit, A contains tex2html_wrap_inline255 .


Modified Cholesky factorization (without square roots). See Ref. 1.


On computers with IBM 370 architecture, inner products are accumulated using double precision arithmetic internally for arrays of type REAL.


Only those elements tex2html_wrap_inline257 of the original matrix A for which tex2html_wrap_inline259 are required on entry to tSINV, tSEQN and tSFACT.

Error handling:

If tex2html_wrap_inline261 or tex2html_wrap_inline263 or tex2html_wrap_inline265 (tSEQN) or tex2html_wrap_inline267 (tSFEQN), a message is printed and program execution is terminated by calling ABEND (Z035).


Assume that the tex2html_wrap_inline269 matrix A and the tex2html_wrap_inline271 matrix B are stored according to the Fortran convention in arrays A and B respectively of a program containing the declarations

    REAL A(25,30),B(25,10)
To replace B by the tex2html_wrap_inline273 solution matrix X of the system of equations tex2html_wrap_inline275 , with a jump to label 100 if A is not positive definite:
    CALL RSEQN(10,A,25,IFAIL,3,B)
    IF(IFAIL .NE. 0) GO TO 100


  1. J.H. Wilkinson and C. Reinsch (eds.), Handbook for automatic computation, Vol.2: Linear algebra (Springer-Verlag, New York 1971), Chapter 2.

Michel Goossens Wed Jun 5 04:41:51 METDST 1996