D302: Fast Partial Differential Equation Solver

Author(s): R.C. Le Bail Library: MATHLIB
Submitter: Submitted: 20.03.1972
Language: Fortran Revised: 01.12.1981

ELPAHY uses fast Fourier transform techniques for the solution, over a rectangular domain, of the following elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic part differential equation:


where tex2html_wrap_inline133 is the unknown function, tex2html_wrap_inline135 the known source term, and tex2html_wrap_inline137 given coefficients. A large variety of boundary conditions can be specified on the sides of the rectangle.


SUBROUTINE subprogram
User Entry Names: ELPAHY
Internal Entry Names: NEWRO, ELANAL, ESOLVE, SYNT, MFT
External References: RFT
COMMON Block Names and Lengths: /FW1/ 774, /FW2/ 100


(REAL) Two-dimensional array, dimensioned (NX,NY) in the calling program. On input it contains the source term tex2html_wrap_inline139 and on return it contains the unknown function tex2html_wrap_inline141 .
(INTEGER) Number of divisions along X. NX must be of the form tex2html_wrap_inline143 .
(INTEGER) Number of divisions along Y.
(REAL) Mesh spacing along X.
(REAL) Mesh spacing along Y.
(REAL) One-dimensional array of dimension 3, containing the coefficients tex2html_wrap_inline145 .
(INTEGER) Controls the type of boundary conditions on the left (BWEST) and right (BEAST) sides of the rectangular domain:
tex2html_wrap_inline147 Imposed periodicity along x; BWEST, BEAST not given.
tex2html_wrap_inline151 Given derivative on either vertical side.
tex2html_wrap_inline153 Given value on either vertical side.
tex2html_wrap_inline155 Given value on the left side, given derivative on the right side.
(REAL) One-dimensional array of size NY containing values or derivatives for the left side; the interpretation depends on IBX.
(REAL) One-dimensional array of size NY containing values or derivatives for the right side; the interpretation depends on IBX.

(INTEGER) Controls the type of boundary conditions on the lower (BSOUTH) und upper (BNORTH) sides of the rectangular domain:
Elliptic equation ( tex2html_wrap_inline157 ):
tex2html_wrap_inline159 Given value on both lower and upper sides.
tex2html_wrap_inline161 Given derivative on both lower and upper sides.
tex2html_wrap_inline163 Given value on lower side, given derivative on upper side.
tex2html_wrap_inline165 Given derivative on lower side, given value on upper side.
Parabolic equation ( tex2html_wrap_inline167 ):
Specify BSOUTH array only. (If y=time, BSOUTH are initial values and the future BNORTH cannot be specified).
tex2html_wrap_inline169 Given value on lower side.
tex2html_wrap_inline171 Given derivative on lower side.
Hyperbolic equation ( tex2html_wrap_inline173 ):
The BSOUTH array specifies the value, the BNORTH array the derivative.
tex2html_wrap_inline175 .
(REAL) One-dimensional array of size NX containing values or derivatives for the lower side; the interpretation depends on JBY.
(REAL) One-dimensional array of size NX containing values or derivatives for the upper side; the interpretation depends on JBY.


If tex2html_wrap_inline177 , specify COMMON /FWORK/ of length 6*NX and COMMON /FW1/ of length 6*NX in the calling program. If tex2html_wrap_inline179 , specify COMMON /FW2/ of length 2*NY. In either case, make sure your program is loaded before ELPAHY (D302) (this is automatic unless you recompile D302 in the same job).


  1. R.C. Le Bail, Use of fast Fourier transforms for solving partial differential equations in physics, J. Comput. Phys. 9 (1972) 440-465
A copy of Ref. 1 is available.

Michel Goossens Wed Jun 5 00:35:46 METDST 1996