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Reading and writing histograms to a direct access file


Action: Write a histogram to a given direct access file. This routine cannot be used for Ntuples.  

Input parameters:
Histogram identifier. ID=0 writes all histograms in the current directory to the output file.
Character variable or constant defining the filename.
If CHFILE=' ' the histogram is saved in the current working directory on disk.
Character option specifying the desired option.
Write the histogram to a New file.
Can be used together with ID=0. All histograms in the current directory and all subdirectories in memory are written to the output file.
Write the histogram to an already existing HBOOK file. When an histogram with the same identifier already exists on the output file, then a new cycle is added.


Action: Read a histogram from a given direct access file. This routine cannot be used for Ntuples.  

Input parameters:
Histogram identifier. ID=0 read all histograms into the current directory.
Character variable or constant defining the input filename.
If CHFILE=' ' the histogram is read from the current working directory on disk.
Character option specifying the desired option.
Add to the current histogram in memory.
Get a complete tree (not yet implemented)


The following remarks apply to both HRPUT and HRGET.

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Last update: Tue May 16 09:09:27 METDST 1995