

                             |CALL  HISTDO   |

Action: Outputs all booked histograms to the line printer. An index is printed at the beginning specifying the characteristics and storage use of each histogram.


  1. If a histogram is empty, a message declares this condition, and the histogram is not printed.

                               | CALL  HPRINT (ID) |

    Action: Outputs a given histogram to the line printer.

    Input parameter(s)

    Histogram identifier.


    1. CALL HPRINT(0) is equivalent to CALL HISTDO apart from not printing the index
    2. When a histogram is empty a message declares this condition and the histogram is not printed.

      Some available booking options are shortly listed below. For a full description see chapter [more info].

      1. Creation of histograms with non-equidistant bins
      2. Creation of profile histograms
      3. Rounded scale
      4. Projections and slices of 2-dimensional histograms
      5. More statistical information
      6. Comprehensive booking and filling with user-supplied functions of one or two real variables.
      7. Dynamic creation of ordinary Fortran arrays ( HARRAY)