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Text Fonts

This program demonstrates the setting of different text Fonts, precisions and character up vectors. String precision may ignore the character-up-vector. In Font 1, char precision is treated like stroke. Font -2 is implementation-dependent.

      INTEGER   errfil
      PARAMETER(errfil = 6)
      INTEGER   wkid
      PARAMETER(wkid = 1)
      INTEGER   asflst(1:13)
      DATA      asflst /13 * gindiv/  ! set all ASFs
      CALL gopks(errfil, 0)           ! open gks (BUFA not used)
      CALL gopwk(wkid, 6, T4107)      ! open workstation
      CALL gsasf(asflst)              ! set attributes individually
      CALL gacwk(wkid)                ! activate workstation
      CALL gselnt(1)                  ! select norm transf.
      CALL gswn(1, 0.0,10.0,0.0,10.0) ! set window
      CALL gschh(0.3)                 ! set character height
      CALL gstxfp(1, gstrp)           ! set font 1, string precision
      CALL gtx(1.0, 1.5, 'Font 1 string prec')
      CALL gschup(1.0, 3.0)           ! set character up vector
      CALL gstxfp(1, gcharp)          ! font 1, char precision
      CALL gtx(5.0, 8.0, 'Font 1 char prec')
      CALL gschup(-1.0, 0.5)
      CALL gstxfp(1, gstrkp)          ! font 1, stroke precision
      CALL gtx(2.0, 4.5, 'Font 1 stroke prec')
      CALL gstxfp(-2, gstrp)          ! font -2, string precision
      CALL gtx(2.0, 3.0, 'Font -2 string prec')
      CALL gschup(0.5, -1.0)
      CALL gstxfp(-2, gcharp)         ! font -2, char precision
      CALL gtx(7.0, 6.5, 'Font -2 char prec')
      CALL gschup(1.0, 0.0)
      CALL gstxfp(-2, gstrkp)         ! font -2, stroke precision
      CALL gtx(8.0, 5.5, 'Font -2 stroke prec')
      CALL gdawk(wkid)                ! deactivate workstation
      CALL gclwk(wkid)                ! close workstation
      CALL gclks                      ! close GKS

Janne Saarela
Mon Apr 3 17:00:12 METDST 1995