Introduction to the FATMEN File System User Interface

The user may interface to the file system on one of two ways: either through FORTRAN callable routines, or by executing commands at the command line. It is expected that most access to data will be via the callable interface, although the command line interface will be useful for searching through the directory structure.

Although the FATMEN file catalogue makes use of ZEBRA for the management of the data structures, no knowledge of ZEBRA is required to use the interface routines, unless the user wishes to override the system defaults If the user needs to override default values, or access fields in the FATMEN catalogue, the PATCHY sequence FATPARA must be included in his routines. See page [more info] for an example of how to extract the parameter offsets and page [more info] for a description of the parameters and their meanings. This sequence defines the offsets into the FATMEN banks, e.g.

*     Get name of host on which this file is stored
*     Check file sequence number
*     That's about as complicated as it gets.

Parameter offsets

Recent changes to FATMEN routines

Calling sequences and return codes