Installing FATMEN

As described above, the installation of the FATMEN software as part of the standard CERN program library installation. FATMEN relies heavily on the program library, and so this is a pre-requisite for its usage. The standard program library installation procedure will generate the FATMEN FORTRAN interface (in PACKLIB), and three modules. These are the shell (FM), the server (FATSRV) and a program to create a new, empty RZ file for use with FATMEN (MKFATNEW).

mkfatnew is just a simple script that calls the FATNEW program. For example, on VAX/VMS systems the following maybe used.

                   Example MKFATNEW command file

$! fatsys:==CERN ! For example
$! fatgrp:==LHC  ! For example
$  type/nopage sys$input
Please give the name of the FATMEN system. This name forms
the top-level of the FATMEN catalogue, e.g. //CERN
$  inquire/nopunc ans "FATSYS? "
$  if ans.eqs."" then ans = "CERN"
$  fatsys==ans - "//"
$  type/nopage sys$input
Please give the name of the FATMEN group.
$  inquire/nopunc ans "FATGRP? "
$  if ans.eqs."" then exit
$  fatgrp==ans - "FM"
$  write sys$output ""
$  inquire/nopunc fatdir "Directory where FATMEN catalogue should reside? "
$  olddir = f$environment("DEFAULT")
$  set default 'fatdir'
$  create/directory [.todo]
$  create/directory [.tovm]          ! Only at CERN !!!
$  create/directory [.done]
$  set file/protection=w:rw todo.dir
$  fatman="FM''fatgrp'"
$  set file/acl=(id='fatman',access=read+write,options=default) todo.dir
$  set file/protection=w:rw tovm.dir ! Only at CERN !!!
$  set file/protection=w:rw done.dir
$  run cern:[pro.exe]fatnew
$  set default 'olddir'

Installing FATMEN on a new machine